24時間自由面会に対する看護職の受け止め方と受け止めの変化に関わる要因 : 24時間自由な入室面会システムの導入前後を比較して <報告>
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本研究の目的は、都内の周産期センター(NICU12床・GCU18床)における24時間自由面会導入前後の看護職の受け止めとその変化の内容及び関連する要因を明らかにすることである。研究デザインは記述的研究であり、対象は24時間自由面会導入前後、各1ケ月以上対象施設に勤務した看護職15名であった。データ収集は半構成インタビューを用い、得られた結果は質的に分析した。結果、自由面会導入前、看護職の多くが、「親子の関わり」の探まりに期待をもちながら、同時に「家族のケア」「子どもへのケア」には気がかり不安といった否定的な思いをもっていた。導入後、看護職の多くは、導入前の期待はそのまま期待通りであり、否定的な思いとしてあげられていた問題は、顕在化していないと捉えていた。看護職の受け止めにかかわる要因としてには「経験年数」「親子関係についての考え方」「両親が常にいることへの認識の変化」「面会者数の変動がないと捉えていたこと」といった看護職側の要因と、ゆったりすごせる場を作ること、両親への教育方法を、より両親の主体性を尊重したものに変更したことなどの、場の要因があった。今後,自由面会をよりよいものとするための、いくつかの課題が明らかになった。The purpose of this study was to describe the changes of nurses' perceptions after introducing a 24-hour free visiting system and factors that influenced on the changes. The study was conducted at a perinatal care center in Tokyo (NICU 12 units and GCU 18 units), using a descriptive research design. The subjects of this study were 15 registered nurses who worked at GCU for at least one month before and after introducing the 24-hour free visiting system. (GCU stands for growing care units) All subjects were interviewed using a semi-constructed questionnaire. The data were analyzed qualitatively. Before introducing the 24-hour free visiting system, although most of nurses expected that it would promote "deeper relationships between parents and babies", they also had some negative feelings that it might be a cause of disturbance of "family care" and " baby care." After introducing this system, however, nurses recognized that it resulted in development of deep relationships between parents and babies as they expected. and that the concerns. which they had before introducing this system, did not happen. Two main categories of factors related to these changes of nurses' perceptions were identified: factors related to nurses themselves and those related to surrounding environment (or working climate). Factors related to nurses themselves were "years of experiences," "belief of relationship between parents and babies," and "recognition of the real numbers of the visitors." "Relaxed space" and "educational intervention to parents" were included in factors related to working climate. Finally, several implications for clinical practice were identified.
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