『早産児を出産した母親が児との関係を育むということ』 <原著>
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早産児の母親がNICUに入院中の児をどのようにとらえ、児との関係を育くんでゆくのかを母親の視点から明らかにすることを目的として帰納的アプローチによる記述研究をおこなった。NICU入院中の早産児の母5名を対象に半構成式質問紙を用いたインタビューを行ない下記の結果を得た。語られた母親の体験から、《わたしの子とわたし:二人の関係を育てる》という主要なプロセスを抽出した。母親が語るそのプロセスの中での二人の距離をあらわす4つの段階を【懸命に生きている子とそれを見ているわたし】【育つこの子とこの子に認められたわたし】【確かなこの子とこの子の世話ができるわたし】【ともに生きている:一体感】とした。全ての段階を通じて、抱っこや繰り返し世話をするという直接的な関わりから児の存在を自分の中に取り込み、それに応じて親として自分の存在もとらえ直されていくというあり方で児との関係が深まりゆくプロセスであった。母親は産後早期には児の活動性の低さなどから分娩や児の存在に対する「実感のなさ」が強く、母親は面会中に繰り返し児に触れたり抱っこすることを通じて生きてそこにいる児を実感として知ろうとする。そして児の成長と「世話の仕方を児から学んでいく」関わりを通してより児に引き付けられるようになり、やがて世話の中で児の能動的なたくましさに触れることで「普通の子に近づいた」と感じ、より強い結びつきを感じるようになっていく。The purpose of this study is to identify how premature baby's mothers recognize the baby in NICU as her child and how they develop their affectional bond from mother's viewpoint. Interviews with semi-structured questionnaire were conducted with 5 mothers who delivered premature baby in NICU, and then the data were analyzed by the qualitative descriptive method. "My baby and I: Developing Our Affectional Bond" was identified as the leading process from interviewee's experiences. The process was distinguished into four steps which represented different levels of relationship between the mother and the child. 1 ) My baby is struggling to survive and all I can do is watch from outside. 2 ) My baby is growing and he/she recognized me as his mother. 3 ) My baby is real and I can care for my baby. 4 ) My baby and I are alive together. 'We are part of each other'. Maternal-child bond is developed through these steps. The mother realized herself as the mother of the baby as she accepted her baby's presence by holding him/her in her arms and also by taking care of him/her. Early in this process, the mother of premature baby was not able to accept her baby's presence because her baby lacked in activities. By touching and holding her baby did she realized that her baby was actually alive. By watching her baby grow and by learning how to care for him/her, she developed more affachment to her baby. Finally, the mother came to recognize her stronger bond as she realized that her baby was no different from all the other normal babies.
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