面会時間自由化によって明らかになった両親の潜在的ニーズ <報告>
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目的:制限していた面会を自由にした時の両親の面会に関する動向を調査し,面会に対するニーズを明らかにする.方法:面会者に対し面会毎に入退室時刻等の記載を依頼した.記載データの精度を向上させるために看雷婦が各勤務帯毎に記載事項のチェック等を行い,このデータを集計分析した.結果:面会が最も多かったのは昼は12~14時,夜は20~22時であり,これは従来の面会時間とは異なる時間帯であった.一回の面会の在室時間は平均85±69分で,面会者の4分の1は従来の面会時間の最長である2時間を越えていた.これらから,従来の面会時間は両親の潜在的ニーズを満たしていなかった.また,我が子を抱くことができるようになるとできない場合に比べ面会時間は2倍以上に延びていた.結論:面会時間自由化による面会動向を調査した.自由化することによって今まで気付かなかった(隠されていた)ニーズを知ることができたのは重要なことであった.そして,このことによりファミリーケアに対する私達の態度を向上させることができた.Objective : By surveying the parents' visiting behaviour on changing restricted visitaton to open in our institute, we aimed to estimate the parents' needs for visitation correctly. Method : We asked all the parents to write their time of coming in and out of our NICU after changing to open visitation from restricted. For more detailed data, we(NICU nurses) checked the figures parents had written and filled in the patient's latest conditions in every shift. These data were analyzed statistically (Mann-Whitney test). Main Results : High freqent visiting period in the daytime was 12:00 to 14:00 and at night was 20:OO to 22:00, these were different from the former periods we had set (14:00 to 16:00, 18:00 to 19:00). The mean length of a visiting was 85.0±69.0(SD) min. Almost a quarter of visitors stayed two hours or more. So, the former restricted situation seemed unsatisfactory to parents In the cases of patients who were allowed to be out of a incubator, the length of their parents' visitings was extended two or more times than the length of those where patients were not allowed out. Conclusions : We have investigated when the high freqent visiting period was and how long the parents stayed after visitaon opened. It is important to know the veiled needs about parents' visiting. Then, these needs pushed us for improving our attitudes to family-centered care.
- 日本新生児看護学会の論文
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