留学生に必要とされる留学生担当教職員の資質・能力に関する一考察 : 留学生への質問紙調査を通して
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to identify international student expectations of international student adviser competence. The conclusions were made though the results of the questionnaires aiming at international students. The "100,000 International Students to Japan"- Project was established in 2003, in order to attract qualified students from abroad and improve the hosting policy in current Japanese educational industry. The approaches to training and placing the advisers for international students are an essential component. The qualifications of the advisers, which are not required by Japanese colleges and universities to date, should be examined. It is important to understand the present condition of such an occupation, especially, the critical skills matching the needs of international students. Previous studies on the competence of international student advisers had focused only on the necessary competences from the international student advisers' perspective. This investigation had the ideas of international students in view. 200 questionnaires were distributed to the international students and 141 responses were received. Below are the items in skills, knowledge, experience and attitude sections whose mean value are over the median value of 2.5. The items in skills section include "communication skills" and "listening skills." The items in knowledge section include "knowledge of other educational systems, cultural background and common problems of international students" and "knowledge of own institution's mission, faculties and staff, and action." The items in experience section include "had been in liaison/ provided information with international students," "had provided/support to international students" and "support the daily lives of international students or scholars." And the items in attitude section include "kindness", "fair" and "respect others." The quantitative analysis reveals international students' expectations of the competence of their advisors.
- 2007-12-28
論文 | ランダム
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