心理的風土が看護職のワークストレスに及ぼす影響 : 対処方略採用への影響を考慮したモデルの検討
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This study examined a model of the stress process in which psychological chmate dimensions affct stress responses both directly and -via the mediadng effects of occupational stress ors and the adoption of coplng strategies - indirectly. Female nurses(N=198)completed an anonymous questionnaire that measured psychological climate, occupational stressors, coping strategies, and stress responses. Four dimensions of psychological climate were obtained by factor analysis: Performance pressure, supportive climate, hostile collectivism, and the peace-at-any-price principle. Path analysis revealed the followlng concerning such dimensions: Performance pressure increased stress responses by raising the workload, while also decreasing them by inhibiting the adoption of emotion-focused coping. Supportive climate faciliated the adoption of problem-focused coping (including social support seeking), which had an indirect effect that decreased stress responses. Hostile collectivism and the peace-at-any-price principle directly increased stress responses and occupational stressors. The findings suggest that each psychological climate dimension has s different influence on stress responses.
- 産業・組織心理学会の論文
産業・組織心理学会 | 論文
- 日本における組織帰属意識研究の展開と今後の課題
- 共働き夫婦におけるワーク・ファミリー・コンフリクト--「クロスオーバー効果」と「対処行動の媒介・緩衝効果」の吟味
- 組織要因が引き起こす産業事故に関する理論的枠組みの提案
- 組織の安全行動とチーム・マネジメント--集団力学的アプローチ (作業部門研究会報告特集)
- 組織成員の変革へのレディネスと管理者の変革型および交流型リーダーシップとの関係性