紛争(後)社会における「法の支配」の役割をめぐって : アナン国連事務総長報告書からボスニア=ヘルツェゴビナの平和構築の現況を見る
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This essay seeks to look at the case of “rule of law approach" of peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the perspective of the Report by the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan concerning the rule of law in conflict and post-conflict societies. The first section of the essay carefully examines the contents of the Annan's Report issued in 2004. The second section provides an overview of “rule of law" related peacebuilding activities in Bosnia. The third section contemplates the implications of peacebuilding activities in Bosnia, given the issues raised by Annan's Report. The essay finds two characteristics in Bosnia that would explain the arguments in Annan's Report. One is a growing demand for domestic reforms in justice sectors. The other is growing recognition of strategic importance of the rule of law in comparison with other principles like democracy.
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