『入中論』における中観学説の提示 : 『十地経』の引用を巡って
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As an attempt to examine the Madhyamakāvatāra (abbr. MA), this paper focuses on the relation of the MA to the Daśabhūmikasūtra, which plays significant roles in various parts of the MA. A characteristic aspect of the relation between these two texts can be seen in the presentation of the Madhyamaka theory appearing in the VIth chapter of the MA. The MA is based on the daśabhūmi theory in its structural format. This is especially evident in the VIth, the main, chapter of this text. Here Candrakīrti claims that the bodhisattva who stays at the stages before the sixth stage (abhimukhī-bhūmi) cannot obtain cessation (nirodha), by relating his argument to the daśabhūmi theory. According to him, obtaining cessation means taking account of prajñā-pāramitā, which requires realizing pratītyasamutpāda caused by deferring to the opinions of persons to be trusted. Thus, by following the cause-effect relation in reversed order, Candrakīrti interprets that to obtain cessation, finally, it is necessary to base the arguments on the work of Nāgārjuna, namely the Madhyamakakārikā. By this interpretation, Candrakīrti confirms the propriety of presenting the Madhgamaka theory in the VIth chapter of the MA. Candrakīrti accepts the ten kinds of equalities (daśa-samatā) of the Daśa-bhūmikasūtra together with the interpretation given there that they are a necessary condition for the bodhisattva to proceed from the fifth stage to the sixth. And he interprets that explaining the equality in respect of non-producing (anutpāda-samatā) of the ten kinds of equalities is sufficient for understanding all of ten kinds of equalities. Candrakīrti then goes on to relate this equality with the logical inconsistency of producing of existences resulting from the four views of the ultimates (catur-koti) by quoting the verse (the Madhyamakakārikā I-1) written by Nāgārjuna. Immediately after this quotation, the Madhyamaka theory is explained, with the negation of the four kinds of occurrences utilized as its framework. By the above-mentioned interpretation, Candrakīrti confirms the propriety of his explanation of the Madhyamaka theory based on the negation of the four kinds of occurrences.
- 1993-09-20
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