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I HAVE ALREADY P UBLISHED THE JAP ANESE TRANSLATION OF A P ART OF THE 13TH ĀHNIKA OF THE Tantrāloka of Abhinavagupta with the commentary of Jayaratha in the Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture, No. 149 (2006). This time I will supply the rest of the fi rst part of the 13th āhnika (verses 53―128). The verses 53―101 are the refutation of the theory of bondage and salvation of the dualist Śaiva Siddhānta and in verses 102―128, Abhinavaguptaʼs own view based on the non-dualist theology is given. In verses 53―65, the malaparipāka(ripening of material impurity) theory is refuted. In verses 66―96ab, the karmasāmya(balance of two contrary karmans)theory is refuted. This proportion of treatment suggests that the karmasāmya theory was prevalent in the time of Abhinavagupta. In verses 96cd―101, minor theories are treated. In verses 102―128, Abhinavagupta advocates the non-dualist theory that God, who is Consciousness and Light, conceals a small part of his consciousness into multiple souls by sport, so binding or liberation of soul is a completely free act of God, regardless of mala or karman.
- 東京大学東洋文化研究所,The Institute of Oriental Culture The University of Tokyo,東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所の論文
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- Abhinavagupta作Tantraloka第13章訳と注解:Jayaratha註釈付(2)
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