- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study was to examine the structures of parental "skinship" toward their young children (Study 1) and to reveal the relationship between parental "skinship" and attitude (Study 2). In Study 1, questionnaires on "skinship" toward their children were done to the fathers and mothers in 99 families. They were asked to answer independently. In Study 2, questionnaires on "skinship" and attitude (acceptance, rejection) were done to the fathers and mothers in 148 families. The main results were as follows : (1) Factor analysis of parental "skinship" data revealed 2 domains, that is, calm contact and active contact. (2) Fathers did more active contact than mothers did. Mothers did more calm contact than fathers did. (3) The mothers whose husbands did much calm contact toward their children showed more acceptance and less rejection toward the children. These results suggest that parental "skinship" toward young children have influence not only on children but also on the extent of their partners' "skinship" and attitude toward children.
- 2008-07-10
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