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This paper explores one of the possible directions which EFL research should take in order to bring theory and practice together. A wide gap remains between the two, causing a dilemma both to teachers, who feel frustrated about research yielding no concrete measures for better teaching, and to researchers, who feel that teachers' expectations for 'effective' teaching techniques are not reasonable. With the view to bridging the two parties, this paper suggests that, instead of aiming to endorse particular teaching techniques, research aim to provide such information as to support and facilitate teachers' instructional decisions. To achieve the goal, two lines of effort are necessary. One is to study the process of teachers' decision making about instruction, by which it is made explicit what teachers need to consider and what kind of information they need to know in planning instruction. The other line is to modify the way research findings are presented to teachers so that their relevance to teachers' decision making is clear. Implications are derived from instructional design, a field in educational technology. Of particular relevance is its ways to set instructional objectives.
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