『源氏物語抄(紹巴抄)』の古活字本から整版本へ : 項目異同から見た改訂の様相
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Genjimonogatari-Johasho has two types of books: the book in wood-block letters and the reprint, i.e. the revised edition reprinted from the wood block with kana syllables written alongside Chinese characters and return marks placed at the left-hand side of characters in the classical Japanese text. In the process the original, which consists of pages of ten lines, was cut and patched so as to include pages of eleven lines.This paper considers the aspect of revision from the book in wooden type to the reprint, focusing on the topical variants. It is illustrated that, though we find the omissions and defects in layout in the original corrected, there exist some errors newly made by putting a patch in the revised version.
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