Philippine, Solomon and New Hebrides Islands Tsunamis Observed along the Coast of Japan, 1971-1980
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During the past 10 years (1971-1980), seven tsunamis which generated in the Philippine, Solomon and New Hebrides Is. regions were observed by tide-gauges in Japan. According to the USCGS, (US Coast and Geodetic Survey), the earthquake magnitudes were in the range of M8=7.2 to 7.9. These tsunamis caused much damages to villages near their origin with waves 1-4 meters high. From the amplitude-distance diagram, the tsunami magnitudes (Imamura-Iida scale: m) were determined to be m=1.5 to 2.5. In the present paper, tsunami amplitudes and travel times along the Japanese coast were investigated. Maximum double amplitudes of the 1975 Philippine (Samar Is.) tsunami averaged about 20 cm with the wave period of 15 min, and southwestern Japan recorded a localized maximum of 40 cm. The initial wave front reached southwestern Japan in 3.5 hours and then propagated along northeastern Japan 1.0 hour later. The farther north the Philippine tsunami source is located the quicker the tsunami reaches Japan. Thus, a tsunami originating in the Luzon Is. area reaches Japan 30 min quicker than one originating in the Mindanao Is. area. The magnitudes of the Solomon-New Hebrides tsunamis depended on the earthquake magnitude. Double amplitudes were 10-20 cm along the Japanese coast and tsunami travel times were 6 to 8 hours.1971年から1980年に至る10年間に,フィリピンおよびソロモン・ニューヘブリデス諸島に発生した地震(M8=7.2~7.9)により,日本沿岸で7個の小津波が観測された.本文では,各地の検潮記録をもとに,日本沿岸の波高分布と津波到達時間を調べた.これらの津波規模(今村・飯田スケール,m)は,日本ならびに太平洋各地の津波データから推定すると,m=1.5~2.5と格付けされ,波源に近い沿岸では津波被害を受けた.1975年10月のフィリピン(サマール島沖)津波では,西日本沿岸の伝播時間は3.5時間前後で,紀伊半島沿岸の波高が比較的大きく,全振幅40cmであった.1971年7月と1975年7月のソロモン諸島および1980年7月ニューヘブリデス諸島の地震による津波では,日本沿岸で全振幅10~20cmの津波を観測し,伝播時間は6~8時間であった.いずれも津波規模は地震の規模に見合った標準型であったが,将来この海域に巨大地震がおきても,地理的条件から日本沿岸に対する津波の影響は小さいであろう.しかし,フィリピ海溝ぞいにM8以上の巨大地震による津波が起これば,島孤の向きによる効果で西日本沿岸に津波の影響を与える可能性がある.その津波伝播時間は,ルソン島沖津波で3時間,ミンダナオ島沖におこれば4時間となる.
- 1982-09-30
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