Estimation of Heat Flow in Certain Exploration Wells in Offshore Areas of Malaysia
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As a part of studies on the thermal state of the crust under shallow seas where heat flow data is rare, we estimated the heat flow in the offshore areas of Malaysia, based on the existing thermal gradient data and newly measured thermal conductivity of 152 core samples from exploration wells. The results show that the regional heat flow is anomalously high in the Malay Basin which is located on a now stable continental shelf. In contrast, the heat flow off the shore of Saban is subnormal to normal.浅海底下の地殻熱流量測定計画の一環として,マレーシア沿海の石油会社による探査孔のコア試料の熱伝導率測定を行い既に公表済の地温勾配データを用いて熱流量を求めた.得られた熱流量値は,マレー堆積盆では現在安定な地域であるにもかかわらず異常に高く,サバの沖では普通又はやや低い値にある.
- 1979-11-30
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