39. P-Wave Travel Time Anomaly in Asia and the Southwestern Pacific
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The regional variation of the P-wave travel time residual is investigated. USCGS and Soviet data are used for this study. The selected epicenters are determined by at least thirty readings at various stations distributed widely in azimuth and distance. The residual is studied at stations located on the concave and convex sides of the arcs in order to find the dependence of the residual on the seismic activity and the tectonic nature of the arcs. The same study was carried out at stable regions such as the Arabian shield and Central Asia. The residual is compared with that corresponding to various well-known models derived mainly from explosion seismology. It is concluded that the residual is closely related to seismotectonic movements and the seismic activity as well. It is also found that the P-wave residual is abnormally negative on the convex side of the arcs and normal or slightly positive on the concave sides. A larger negative residual is observed on the convex side of the arc of which the seismic activity is higher than that of any other one. The P-wave velocity in the upper mantle under the Arabian shield is less than that of the J-B model, while it is higher than that of J-B in the upper mantle under Central Asia. The attenuation is low wherever the residual is negative.|P波の走時偏差の地域的な差異を調べた.このためにUSCGSとSovietによるデータを使った.この研究のために使った地震の震央は,どれも,次の事柄を満たしている.(1)震央は30以上の観測点でのP波の到達時刻によって決められている.(2)それらの観測点は,震央のまわりに,方位震央距離共に広く分布している.
- 1970-12-05
論文 | ランダム
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