47. Deformation~Fracture Relation in Earthquake Genesis and Derivation of Frequency Distribution of Earthquakes
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Deformation~fracture relations in earthquake genesis are presented. Basic assumptions are that the number of earthquakes is proportional to the curvature of the plastic deformation of the medium and the size of earthquake is governed by the structural wave-length, the larger earthquake is produced by the structure of the longer wave-length. It is shown that the Ishimoto-Iida's formula and the Gutenberg-Richter's formula for the frequency distribution of earthquakes are theoretically derived from the deformation~fracture relations in earthquake genesis. Main conclusions are as follows. The functional forms of the Ishimoto-Iida's formula are the consequence of representing the spectrum of the deformation by the power function with respect to the structural wave number. The coefficient m and b represent the sharpness of the spectrum of the deformation in the focal region. The value m=2 corresponds to the fact that the spectrum W(k) of the deformation is inversely proportional to the wave number k. The coefficients K and a are the functions of the area, strength of the spectrum of the deformation, and energy density of seismic wave radiation in the focal region. It is thought that the statistical formulae such as the Ishimoto-Iida's formula and the Gutenberg-Richter's formula for the frequency distribution of earthquakes will represent the causal physical law, and will not be the probability distributions of earthquake occurrence.|この論文では,地震発生における変形~破壊の関係式を提出し,それから石本.飯田公式,Gutenberg-Richter公式として知られている地震の頻度分布を理論的に導くことを試みた.変形~破壊に関する基本的仮定としては,地震の数は媒質の塑性変形の曲率に比例し,地震の大きさは構造波長で支配される,すなわち,より大きい地震はより長い波長成分の構造から発生するというものを採用した.変形~破壊の関係式から地震の頻度分布を導いてみると,頻度分布に対して次のような物理的意味が見出された.1)石本・飯田公式およびGutenberg-Richter公式の函数形は媒質の変形スペクトルを構造波数のベキ函数で表現したことに由来する.2)石本・飯田公式の係数m, Gutenberg-Richer公式の係数bは震源域の変形スペクトルの鋭さを表現する.3)m=2という値は変形スペクトルが構造波数の逆数に比例する(構造波長に比例する)ということを意味する.4)石本・飯田公式の係数K, Gutenberg-Richter公式の係数αは震源域の面積,変形スペクトルの強度,地震波輻射エネルギー密度等に依存する.以上のことから,石本・飯田公式, Gutenberg-Richter公式等の地震の頻度分布に関する統計式は,地震発生の確率分布を表わすものではなくて,因果的な物理法則を表わすものと考えられる.
- 1969-12-20
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