25. Crusted Structure in the Profile across the Northeastern Part of Honshu, Japan, as Derived from Explosion Seismic Observations : Part 1. Observations of Seismic Waves Generated from the Off Kesennuma, the Off Oga Peninsula and the Tutihata Explosions
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In the middle of March 1965, more than fifty shots were fired at sea off Kesennuma in the northeastern part of Honshu for sixteen temporary observation sites on land and a receiving vessel. The amount of explosives is relatively small, 450kg in maximum, in comparison with the land shots. In early March 1966, an explosion at Tutihata Mine and twenty one shots were fired off Oga Peninsula for almost the same temporary stations with those in the Off Kesennuma explosions. In these experiments, good records were obtained through the profile. These experiments in the northeastern part of Honshu are described and the observational results are presented.|昭和40年3月中旬,宮城県気仙沼沖で50個以上の海中爆破が東北地方を横切る測線上の16個の観測点及び海上観測船のために行われた.薬量は最高450kgで,小量で遠方まで良好な記録が得られた.又,昭和41年3月上旬,土畑鉱山で1回,秋田県男鹿半島沖で20個以上の海中爆破が気仙沼沖爆破と,ほぼ同じ観測点で観測された.この時も最高薬量475kgで300kmを超える距離まで,かなり良好な記録が得られた.海上爆破点の位置は気仙沼沖爆破では3個所,男鹿沖爆破では2個所での水中音波の観測によって推定された.これらの爆破と,得られた観測資料について報告されている.
- 1968-07-25
論文 | ランダム
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