Electric Resistivity Measurement along and across a Ground Fissure in the Matsushiro Area.
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A number of ground fissures running through a village on the fan to the north of Mt. Minakamiyama took place in association with the Matsushiro Earthquake Swarm. The author measured the apparent electric resistivity of the ground on lines perpendicular and parallel to one of the fissures at Takehara Village during a four week's period since the fissure appeared. The effect of the fissure on earth resistivity could not be clearly observed probably because of complicated layering and resistivity anisotropy. Although the resistivity values fluctuated to a surprisingly large extent, say 20 per cent or so, no marked correlation between the fluctuations and earthquake occurrences were recognized.松代群発地震によつて皆神山方向の扇状地に割れ目群ができた.著者は竹原部落に割れ目群が発生してから4週間,割れ目と比抵抗の相関を調べるために, spanを割れ目に垂直な成分と平行な成分にはつて観測した.しかし,複雑な地層と多分電気抵抗の異方性のために,割れ目と比抵抗の間に明瞭な相関は得られなかつたが比抵抗に20%程度の大きな変動が観測されたことは驚くべきことである.この比抵抗の変動と地震,雨量の間にも相関は認められなかつた.
- 1967-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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