Vertical Displacement in a Tsunami Source Area and the Topography of the Sea Bottom.
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Tsunami sources for the Kanto Earthquake of 1923, and the Boso-oki Earthquake of 1953 are estimated by means of an inverse refraction diagram. The former includes the whole of the elevated region at Miura and Boso Peninsula, the latter being located in the region which corresponds to the area of aftershock activity. The estimated source areas of tsunamis which were generated in the adjacent sea to Japan, are drawn on a bathymetric chart. The mean slope of the sea bottom in the vicinity of each source was of the order of 1/100~1/10. Tsunami energy seems to be affected by the slope of the sea bottom as well as the water depth at the source. The amount of the sea bottom deformation was estimated from the distribution of the inundation height of a tsunami along the coast. The average vertical displacement in the tsunami source is calculated by using the tsunami energy and the source area. The values thus obtained were of the order of several meters for large earthquakes.1933年の三陸津波について,宮部(1934)は各地の検潮記錠をもとに,津波の逆伝播図をえがき,波源域を推定した.この結果,波源はかなり広い領域をもつたことが明らかにされた.以来,多くの人達によつて,同様な方法で,二十数個の津波の改源域が推定されてきている.今回, 1923年の関東地震および1953年の房総沖地震に伴なつた津波の波源域を逆伝播図によつて推定したところ,その長径はそれぞれ約170kmおよび160kmである.また関東地震の場合,その波源域は三浦半島および房総半島の隆起地帯を大きく包含し,房総沖地震の波源域は,その余震域とかなりよく一致している.
- 1967-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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