49. On the Aleutian Tsunami of February 4, 1965, as Observed along the Coast of Japan
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Some features of tsunami generated at Middle Aleutian Islands, USA, at 05h 01m(GMT), Feb. 4, 1965 are investigated on the basis of tsunami records taken along the coast of Japan. The predominant wave periods of 14 minutes in addition to seiches on the continental shelf were observed at Miyagi-Enoshima. The present tsunami contained waves of short periods as compared with the tsunamis of 1960(Chile) and 1964(Alaska). At Hachijo Island, conspicuous direct waves emitted from the source were observed. Tsunami waves along the coast of Japan were uniformly decayed with time. The decay coefficient is estimated to be approximately 0.038 per hour.1965年2月4日05時01分21.8秒(GMT),アリューシャン列島中部に大地震が起こり,これに伴なつた津波は全太平洋に伝播し,北海道では地震後3時間30分して第1波を感じ,全日本太平洋岸で波高20~40cm(平常時の潮位上)の津波が観測された.U.S.C.G.S.の観測報告によれば震央は51.3°N,178.6゜E深さ40km,M=73/4(PAS,BEK)である.日本に伝播した津波について,気象庁,水路部,国土地理院から提供された検潮記録および,地震研究所で観測した宮城江ノ島,八丈島,伊豆大島,千葉県金谷の津波計記録を用い津波の概要を紹介し,二,三の考察を行なつた.
- 1966-03-25
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