Disaster Relief from Kobe and its Significance in the Bam, Iran Earthquake of December 26, 2003
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2 non-profit organizations from Kobe, in cooperation with a division of Osaka University, under the name of Message from Kobe (MFK), responded immediately after the Bam earthquake. The authors visited Bam, as well as Kerman and Tehran, twice to provide direct assistance to victims (e. g., cash donation), and to establish a long-term partnership with local Iranian NGOs. Based on our own experiences from the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, it is local NGOs in partnership with governments that will play essential roles in the long-term recovery and reconstruction of Bam. It was also anticipated that many international NGOs would finish their operations and leave the affected area in a few months. Therefore, we intended to focus on local Iranian NGOs and their networks as our partners for long-term activities from relief to reconstruction. We have shared our lessons from Kobe with 2 national networks of NGOs in Tehran, a regional network in Kerman, and a few local NGOs in Bam. Concretely, we have supported: (1) local NGOs to provide child care and job training for women in Bam, (2) Kerman NGO House to bridge its regional NGOs and those in Kobe, and (3) a new NGO network that will specialize in disaster relief. In addition, a psycho-social interchanges through paintings5sketches drawn by children in Bam and Kobe have been initiated. The present study introduces our relief activities, places it in the context of international disaster relief, and theoretically analyzes how experience and knowledge of disaster relief can be transferred to international and local agents to help victims of disasters. It reveals that the contextual background of relationships among international, national, regional, and local NGOs should be taken into account by recipients and suppliers before a disaster, that experience of previous disaster relief may reduce the number of alternatives during improvised activities, and that concern for victims is essential to overcome disaster-fragile societies.
論文 | ランダム
- 振動歪曲の際と振動測定具を付けた際の抑壓の作用
- 金属表面の性質
- 指定討論1(真の問題解決力を育成するために-認知心理学からの提言-,研究委員会企画シンポジウム,日本教育心理学会第48回総会概要)
- 〔日本教育心理学会第42回総会〕準備委員会企画特別講演 Analogical Thinking in Learning and Creativity
- 教育心理学における専門家養成の問題(研究委員会企画シンポジウム) (〔日本教育心理学会第23回総会〕)