Some Geological Considerations on the Ha-yama Volcano
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(i) The Ha-yama Volcano rises up to 687.4 m. above sea-level at the opposite side of Kaminoyama, resting upon the upper Miocene sediments called the Dorobu formation and plagioryholite which were disturbed and eroded to some degree. (ii) The volcano is formed of lavas and ejecta. One of these is the Sengoku lava, while the other is the Ha-yama lava and agglomerate, both being represented by two-pyroxene andesite rich in brown glass. They were erupted from the crater now broken by the subsequent explosion and opened north-westwards. (iii) The Sengoku lava first poured out and covered largely the undulatory surface of bases rocks composed of the Dorobu formation and plagiorhyolite. It was then followed by the eruption of the Ha-yama lava and agglomerate from the same crater. In this case, the lava flow passes locally into agglomerate at its base. (iv) These lavas are different in the texture of the groundmass and also in the chemical character. In the latter case, the Ha-yama lava seems to be more acidic when compared with the Sengoku lava. (v) The Ha-yama Volcano was born at the area where the Dorobu formation had accumulated under the lacustrine environment. It was active in the Quaternary. The formation of the volcano has, therefore, no direct connection with the deposition of the Dorobu formation which consists of tuffaceous sediments intercalated by lava flows and suggests that there was also a volcanism during its deposition.上山盆地の東縁,すなわち上山の対い側に孤立する葉山火山は,上部中新統と見做される泥部層やこれよりも古い斜長石流紋岩からなる基盤岩の侵蝕面上に座し,その最高点は,海抜687.4m.に達する.この火山からは,仙石熔岩と葉山熔岩・集塊岩とを相次いで噴出し,後者の場合には,集塊岩が先駆をなしている.それ等の最も厚いところは,それぞれ約200m.,150m.を算する.いずれも飴色ガラスの多い複輝石安山岩からなり,両者は,石基の組織の差と,古いものの方がやや酸性なることによつて区別される.今日葉山火山には,葉山と三吉山との二つの峰があり,その間が爆裂火口になつているが,火山の原形の甚だしい変化が見られない.もつとも以前熔岩や砕屑物を噴出した火口は,この爆裂火口が出来たために破壊され,旧態が分らない.火山の基盤をなす泥部層は,小湖水に堆積した凝灰質の物質や複輝石安山岩の薄い熔岩流その他からなるけれども,葉山火山の活動との間に,直接関係があつたとは思われない.又葉山火山の噴出物が変動を受けた泥部層の侵蝕面を被い,しかも火山の形態が保存されている点から見ると,それは,第四紀に入つてから生じたものであろう.
- 1963-07-30
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