Electromagnetic Induction within an Anisotropic Plane Sheet over a Non-conductor and Underlain by a Uniform Semi-infinite Conductor
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Electromagnetic induction within an anisotropic plane sheet over a non-conductor and underlain by a uniform semi-infinite conductor is studied in the hope of describing time-dependent earth-currents properly. It is made clear that the direction of the maximum electric field in the sheet does not generally agree with those of the induced electric current or the maximum resistivity. The induced fields, both electric and magnetic, are influenced very little by the deep-seated conductor in the case of rapid variation. The effect of the high conductivity in the deep-seated conductor becomes appreci- able for slow variations provided their wave-lengths are much larger than the depth of the conducting layer. The rapid-run data observed at Kakioka Magnetic Observatory during the International Geophysical Year are analysed on the basis of the theory developed here.地電流のふるまいと関連してFig.1のような表面に電気伝導度の異方性をもつモデルを考えた.表面層の厚さを10km,電気伝導度が直角方向に10倍ほど違うこと,insulatorの厚さを400km,fieldの波長を1000kmと仮定し,周期が1分から24時間までの変化に関し,uniform conductorの電気伝導度が0の場合および10-12e.m.u.の場合について電磁感応の計算を行なつた.それによると,磁場と直角に誘起される電場は,周期の短いものについては著しい異方性を示すが,周期の長いものについてはさほどの異方性を示さないことがわかつた.誘起される電場の方向は,一般に誘起される電流の方向(外部磁場につねに直角)とも抵抗の最も大きい方向とも異なることが結論される.この理論を柿岡における観測結果に適用して,電気伝導度の最大値と最小値の比が4程度であることを見出した.
- 1963-03-10
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