The Influence of the Magnetic Field on Spectra of Seismic Core Waves
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The influence of the magnetic field on seismic waves being propagated in the electrically conductive core has been studied for various values of magnetic field intensity and electrical conductivity. It has resulted in knowledge that seismic waves passing through the core are not affected by the magnetic field unless the field intensity exceeds 106 gauss or the electrical conductivity is smaller than 10-8 emu. The spectral analyses of an actual seismogram indicated that the spectrum of seismic waves should be considered as not having been changed owing to the propagation through the core. Hence possible limits of the magnetic field intensity, (H), and the electrical conductivity, (σ), in the core would be inferred as H<107 gauss and σ>10-8 emu.最近,地震波と地球磁場との相互作用を利用して地球核内の磁場や電気伝導度を求める試みが二三なされてきた.核内においてトロイダル磁場はポロイダル磁場より遥かに強い磁場を作つていると推定されるので,核と同程度の厚さを持つ電気伝導体中を磁場に垂直に伝播する地震波に対して,磁場の強さと電気伝導度をパラメーターとして透過係数を求めた.その結果,地震波に対する磁場の影響は殆んどないが,磁場の強さが106gaussを越えるか,電気伝導度が10-8emuより小さくなれば僅かに振幅の減少が期待される.
- 1958-03-20
論文 | ランダム
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