高齢者の転倒予防を目的とした起立・着席動作負担に関する研究 : ポータブルトイレからの起立・着席動作時の表面筋電図と自覚的負担について
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Surface electromyograms and impression of difficulties in sitting on and standing up from different portable toilets were obtained from eight healthy elderly individuals. Increased muscle discharges from the lower extremities were greater in the use of a portable toilet with front space under the seat than in the use of one without such space. This result agrees with the impression of diffi9ulties in sitting on and standing up from a portable toilet, suggesting that the front space under the seat allows the elderly to draw their feet backward to reduce the difficulties. A handle around the portable toilet with or without front space under the seat was helpful. Muscle discharges from the lower extremities did not decrease when the subjects sat on or stood up from a portable toilet, except when they sat on a toilet without front space under the seat. This reflects the finding that the use of a handle around the toilet allows the subjects to lean their body more forward when they sit on or stand up from the toilet. A portable toilet with a handle should be used for preventing falls of the elderly. The alternative may be one with front space under the seat.
- 1998-06-20
- 高齢者の転倒予防を目的とした起立・着席動作負担に関する研究 : ポータブルトイレからの起立・着席動作時の表面筋電図と自覚的負担について
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