大学生の防災意識に関するアンケート調査 : 社会建設工学科学生を対象に
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We have performed the questionnaire survey on interest in disaster of students who are in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Economics at Yamaguchi University as representation of the younger generation. The main results of the questionnaire survey are summarized as follows; 1) The highest interested disaster is an earthquake for students belonged to both departments. On the other hand, the low interested disasters are a thunderbolt, a tsunami, and a volcano activity. 2) There are many students who think that it is possible for him to suffer a great deal of damage in the future from an earthquake and not to suffer damage form a tsunami and a volcano activity. 3) There are many students who do not make disaster measures. 4) The interest of a tsunami increased after the earthquake of Sumatra off happened..
- 山口大学工学部の論文
山口大学工学部 | 論文
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