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It is well known that the basin plays characteristic roles in the transport of global scale hydro-cycle water with the orographic effect in cloud water -rain process and with the surface environmental effects in rain -runoff process. The basin quickens the relaying speed of cycle water transport when the excess wate r brought, or slows down it to keep the base flow in drought. It seems the basin has his own autonomous law in controlling his water. The Normal Basin Hydro-cyc le Rate, Sy, is introduced as his own law in this paper. This paper shows that b oth of the rain(R)~runoff(Q) analysis and the cloud water(CW)~rain(R) analysis c an be performed by use of Sy. The present method is far easier as compared with Tank Model, performed by numerous try and error works to find its structure and parameters. It is also shown that 1 hour unit CW~R analysis based on Sy is just a 1hr rain forecast work. Some examples show that the pressr rain forecasting method.
- 山口大学工学部の論文
山口大学工学部 | 論文
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