ニホンカブラハバチ Athalia japonica(Klug)幼虫の選好性に関する実験的研究
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In the present research using an apparatus which has been outlined by Hundertmark (1937), and examination was conducted to determine differences in the color preference found between fourth instar larvae maintained on a diet of host plant leaves, Raphanus sativus, and fifth instar larvae at the stage of their burrowing into the soil in order to puplate following the last moltion. Considerable variation was noted in the preference for color (brightness) among fourth instar larvae while fifth instar larvae tended to prefer color papers with low Munsell value. Seventy per cent of the fourth instar larvae were attracted to the yellow paper, Munsell notation 7Y 8/12, among 10 different color hues used in the present study. In the color-brightness prefernce experiments, there was no case in which the larvae were attracted to a color having the same brightness as yellow. It thus may be considered that fourth instar larvae choose yellow paper on the basis of color hue. The peaks of the spectral reflectance curves for all the plant leaves used in this experiment as well as the peak of the spectral reflectance curve at less than 600 nm for yellow paper were in the vicinity of 555 to 565 nm. The preference of short wavelength color such as blue and purple and colors with low brightness, all attracting fifth instar karvae, may be considred to hold adaptive significance on the basis of the observation that fourth instar larvae started burrowing into the ground within 24 hours following the forth molting.昆虫の色覚に関する研究は成虫については古くから数多く行われているが(PROKOPY and OWENS, 1983), 幼虫については数少なく、鱗翅目(GOTZ, 1936 ; HUNDERTMARK, 1937 ; SAXENA and KHATTAR, 1977 ; KHATTAR and SAXENA, 1978) および鱗翅目幼虫(TANTON, 1977)などに限られている。・・・
- 筑波大学の論文
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