Origin of quark and lepton mixings
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We propose a model for the mass matrices of quarks and leptons based on two Abelian flavor symmetries. One is assumed to be broken at a high energy region near the Planck scale. It is used for the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism in both quark and charged lepton sectors. The other symmetry remains unbroken to the multi-TeV region. The mixing among neutrinos and gauginos including that of the new Abelian symmetry generates nonzero masses and mixing among neutrinos. A bimaximal scheme for the neutrino oscillation can be realized together with suitable masses and CKM mixing in the quark sector. A rather large value of the MNS matrix element Ve3MNS is predicted. Although FCNC constraints on this flavor dependent Abelian symmetry seem to be evaded, the typical FCNC processes are expected to be observed in the near future. © 2001 The American Physical Society.
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