- 論文の詳細を見る
In April, 2003, Special Committee on Medical Technology for Reproductive Treatmentof Assessment Subcommittee for Advanced Medical Care of the Health Science Councilannounced their direction to approve the local provision of sperms, eggs, and embryos inJapan and to legislate the rights to know the identifications of children who were born throughAID.Such announcement made us to feel that it would be required to understand the currentcircumstances and thoughts and feelings of those who were born through AID at first, and weconducted a survey by interviewing five persons for that. In order to clearly articulate whatthey thought and felt, we focused on their emotions expressed during the interview, as well astheir feelings embedded in their words for thorough deliberation.As the result, it was clarified that people who had been born through AID and found thetruth after they became twenty years old were holding many types of negative feelings suchas anger, anxiety, betrayal, enmity, suspicion, distrust, chagrin, irritation, loneliness, sorrow,sense of loss, sense of isolation, and remorse, which drove them into adverse conditions. Theyalso uniformly said that they wished they could have found the truth much earlier.In conclusion, it was suggested that it would be important for parents to tell the truthto their children in their infancy to mitigate their negative emotions and to develop rapportwith their children having no hiding. Also, we realized that sympathetically supported self-aidgroups or consultations by people with expertise would be essential to maintain the supportsystem for those who are born through AID.
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