Characterization of Ag oxide thin films prepared by reactive RF sputtering
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Ag oxide thin films were grown on glass substrates by sputtering an Ag target in an Ar+O_2 mixed gas. Effects of O_2 flow ratio on resistivity, reflectance and transmittance of the Ag oxide films were studied. Crystal structure and chemical binding state of the films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Ag films with a resistivity of 4 μΩcm and a reflectance of 98% were obtained at O_2 flow ratios below 5%. The increase of resistivity and the decrease of reflectance were observed with increasing O_2 flow ratio due to the formation of mixed films of Ag and Ag oxide. Above an O_2 flow ratio of 40%, the transmittance of the films increased and semitransparent Ag_2O films with resistivity of an order of 10^8Ωcm were formed.
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