塗装面の熱ふく射に関する研究(第1報) : 市販塗料のふく射率に及ぼす膜材と顔料の影響
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The influences of the matrix and pigment of paints on the radiative properties of paint coated surfaces are experimentally made clear. The specimen of paint was prepared by means of mixing matrix and pigment in various ratios and the specimen of coated film was prepared by means of coating paint on a flat aluminum surface. The paint colors were brown,0range and silver. The total emittance for all specimens and the only spectral emittance for several specimens were measured. Consequently,the following equation of the relation between mixing ratio and normal total emittance was obtained ε_k = ε_me^<Ak>+ε_p(1−e^<Bk>) As a whole, the calculated values agreed well with the measured values except for those in the region of low mixing ratio on the brown and silver paints.
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- 休職を繰り返した症例の人間存在分析例--社会環境・対人関係・個人条件
- 最近判例解説 国公法79条一号に基づく休職処分に関し、疾病の種類が異なったか否かを問わず、その休職期間を三年間に限定した規程、及びその期間は勤務軽減措置の前後の休職期間を通算するとした規程に基づく処分に違法性がないとした事例--茨木郵便局職員休職事件(大阪地裁平成15.7.30判決)
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