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From an economic stand point, tool life is an item of major importance in metal cutting. The temperature at the tool-chip interface (the contact surface between the tool face and the chip) is also important with regard to tool life. This paper reports the effect of tool-chip interface temperature as measured by the tool-chip thermocouple tecnique while machining the low carbon steel at cutting speed 95 m/min with a carbide tool as the contact length is successively reduced, and the discussion with measured and computed cutting temperature by M. C. Shaw’s theory. The following main conclusions were obtained ; 1) The tool-chip interface temperature decreased according to reduction of the tool-chip contact length. The temperature difference was about 150℃ maximum to minimum. 2) The tool-chip interface temperature was lower when the tool of large rake angle was used with same cutting condition. 3) The computed temperature nearly agreed with measured temperature.
- 北見工業大学の論文
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