Laparoscopic Assisted Proximal Gastrectomy with an Esophago-gastric Anastomosis Using a Knifeless Endoscopic Linear Stapler
Hirano Yukiko
Departelent Of Clothing Science Jissen Women's University
Mikami Koji
Department Of Botany Faculty Of Science Kyoto University Kyoto
Maekawa Takafumi
Department Of Surgery Chikushi Hospital Fukuoka University
Futami Kitaro
Department Of Surgery Chikushi Hospital Fukuoka University
Yamamoto Nobuharu
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tokyo Dental College
Yamamoto Satoshi
Department Of Biochemistry Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Higashi Daijiro
Department Of Surgery Chikushi Hospital Fukuoka University
Yamaguchi Ryosuke
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Takahashi Hiroyuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Uwatoko Shugo
Department Of Surgery Chikushi Hospital Fukuoka University
Hirano Kimikazu
Department Of Surgery Chikushi Hospital Fukuoka University
Noda Shinpei
Department of Surgery, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
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