災害論の構成 : 東日本大震災をふまえて(大震災・原発問題と政治経済学の課題,経済理論学会第60回大会共通論題)
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The Great East Japan Earthquake caused the biggest and worst disaster that human being has not experienced in modern history. It caused both natural disaster and social disaster at same time. The overlapped disaster destroyed the regional economy in wide range area. In case of such emergency, a big disaster and war, the behavior and characteristic of the country revealed. The defects of Japanese society were exposed through the disaster and politics after the earthquake. We, Japanese will be forced to change the energy policy and regional policy, and decide what Japan should be in coming future through the process of restoration. The crucial challenge is posed to political economics through the disaster. The status quo and problems of restoration whole picture of disaster is unclear. In the theory of environmental pollution, there is saying "starting from the damage and ending up to the damage. According to the theory of environmental pollution, the measures for relief and prevention cannot to be yet and responsibility would not make clear. Unlike material damage, physical damage, especially human health, is latent unless he/she or his/her family speaks it out and appeal the rescue with the sense of human rights. Such a damage would not be raised to the surface under the circumstances that residents exposed radioactivity would be discriminated as disaster refugees. If compensation measure is not effective, the damage would not come to light. As a result, the matter has not been solved. The number of the dead is 15,869. The number of the missing people is 2,847. The government announced that economic losses from earthquake would be 18 trillion yen, but does not evaluate the disaster caused by nuclear power plants. Kenichi Ohshima estimated that the losses mounted to 8.5 trillion yen without costs for restoration like decontamination. All costs to restore may reach 50 trillion. In terms of the responsibility for natural disaster, companies and individuals take a voluntary self-responsibility to recover in principle. As the result of civic movement, the Japanese government provided 3 million yen for the reconstruction completely destroyed houses. Regarding to the disaster by nuclear power plants, Tokyo Electric Company became to take all responsibility due to the pressure of public opinion. For the TEC's compensation, Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund paid 2.5 trillion yen and the government also did 1 trillion yen on the condition that TEC is required to nationalized. The theory of disaster noted that both natural disaster and social disaster should be considered comprehensively from experience of complex disaster. The first achievement is The Theory of Disaster (1964, Keisoshobo), written by Takeo Sato, Yuzuru Okuda, Hiroshi Takahashi. This initial theory is an epoch-making achievement that theory of disaster is based on not the doctrine of function but that the Establishment. The environmental science is that the present theory of disaster can be formulated to succeed to the initial theory. Damage should be regarded as environmental destruction comprehensively. The biggest earthquake and the worst contamination by nuclear power plants in modern history thrust a crucial change challenge to environmental science.
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