P-71 真庭市において未利用間伐材の利用拡大が木質バイオマス利活用事業に及ぼす経済効果(システム,Poster Session)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to clarify the economic effect of promotion of logging residues utilization Maniwa city. Concretely, we analyzed the change of income and expenditure of woody biomass project in the situation when the utilization rate of logging residues is changed from 0% to 100%. Optimal conditions of logging residues use for the most and the lowest benefit was created as scenarios, and estimated regional economic effect and job opportunity of each scenario. As results, it is expected that, as the utilization rate of logging residues is increased, the effect of regional economic is also increased, even though woody biomass business profits are decreased.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2014-01-08
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- P-71 真庭市において未利用間伐材の利用拡大が木質バイオマス利活用事業に及ぼす経済効果(システム,Poster Session)