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Agricultural damage caused by wildlife have been serious problem in Tochigi Prefecture, located in central Japan. In order to develop model cases of reducing human-wildlife conflicts, the prefecture launched the Model District Program from 2010. In this program, several villages were designated as model districts, and the prefecture offered seminars and field trips regarding wildlife to residents. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this program. We conducted interviews and a questionnaire survey to participants of the program activities. Interviews revealed the effect the program generated in the district as well as two main issues that the program is facing; 1) how sustainably the interventions can be conducted by local residents, and 2) how to let those residents who do not engage in farming participate in the activities. Collaboration with agricultural extension officers and/or Satoyama Wildlife Managers located near each district would be important to make the activities more sustainable.
- 2013-12-20
桜井 良
丸山 哲也
松田 奈帆子
ジャコブソン K.スーザン
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