話す活動に位置づけた知的書評合戦ビブリオバトルにおけるスピーチの特徴 : 独話的スピーチから聞き手を意識したスピーチへ
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In the field of ESL or the speech training, it is important to know the significance of audience awareness as well as the significance of how to make your ideas understood. However, it is often the case that beginners tend to focus speech contents without awareness of their audience. In this paper, we introduce a new style of speech delivery called "Biblio-Battle" in which speakers make a recommendation speech for their favorite books. We examined characteristics of this unique speech delivery and showed that "Biblio-Battle" encourages the speakers to be aware of their audience.
- 2014-03-15
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- 「3分節法」学習後3カ月のスピーチで「3分節法」は使われているか
- 話す活動に位置づけた知的書評合戦ビブリオバトルにおけるスピーチの特徴 : 独話的スピーチから聞き手を意識したスピーチへ