3-5-1 バイオディーゼル合成における廃食用油原料の反応性(3-05 BDF,Session 3 バイオマス等)
- 論文の詳細を見る
For the purpose of achieving economically reasonable production of biodiesel, test reaction to produce biodiesel from a variety of waste cooking oils whose acid value ranged from 0.9 to 8.1mg-KOH・g^<-1> was carried out in the present research work. The employed waste cooking oils were dried prior to the test reaction for eliminating an effect of water on the base catalyst. As the base catalyst for the test reactions, calcium oxide fine powders were used. Data from the test reaction indicated that the reaction efficiency was reduced with an increase in the acid value, and there was no appreciable difference in the reduction ratio between the waste cooking oils and the model oils consisting of rapeseed oil and oleic acid. But, the waste cooking oils provided the higher conversion ratio than the model oils.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2013-07-29
- 3-6-5 木質タール活用によるアスファルト混合物製造の評価(3-6 ペレット,材料他,Session 3 バイオマス等,研究発表)
- 211 炭化物燃焼炉の開発(循環型廃棄物処理技術(3))
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- 機械的粉砕によるバイオディーゼル合成反応用CaO触媒の活性化
- 3-1-1 機械的粉砕によるバイオディーゼル合成反応用CaO触媒の活性化(3-01 バイオディーゼル,Session 3 バイオマス等)
- 3-5-1 バイオディーゼル合成における廃食用油原料の反応性(3-05 BDF,Session 3 バイオマス等)