- 論文の詳細を見る
Peanut seeds, "Kanagawa Churyu" of the Valencia variety, were planted on May 1,and their plants began to flower on June 29. The 8-, 11-and 14-hour photoperiods consisted of natural radiation out-doors from 8 : 00A.M. until 4 : 00P.M. At 4.00P.M. all lots were moved into adjoining dark-rooms, where the 8-hour lot received no light and the 11-and 14-hour lots received 3 and 6 hours of incandescent-filament radiation. The period of above treatment in each lot was from July 10 until harvest time. The results were as follows : 1) The pods of 1,2,3,4 and 5 seeds were observed under field condition and a large proportion of the pods succeeded in producing 2 or 3 seeds. Also, there was remarkable difference in ovule production between the pegs of the early flowering season and those of the late one; the number of ovule in each peg was observed to decrease in case of the later flower. 2) The periods of elongation of the pegs which reached the soil, were 7,9 and 11 days, respectively, for 8-, 11- and 14-hour photoperiods, and their gynophores of every lot were about 4cm. long. The pegs which produced four ovules recived 8-, 11-and 14-hour photoperiodic treatments. In 8-and 11-hour photoperiods lots about 30% of pods bore four mature seeds, while in 14-hour lot only about 7% bore of four seeds. These results indicated that the short photoperiods caused the gynophore to elongate rapidly and the pods with four mature seeds to grew abundantly.
- 神戸大学の論文
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