アメリカ合衆国における職業教育連邦補助法と中等後段階の職業教育 : 国家防衛教育法と1963年職業教育法を中心に
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This study provides an overview of the effects of federal vocational legislation upon the development of postsecondary vocational education programs in the United States. The Smith-Hughes Act (enacted in 1917), was the first law for federal aid to vocational education, and limited the scope of the "vocational education" to that of "less than college grade" or "secondary grade". That meant that the federal aid was not intended for the postsecondary vocational education programs. In spite of that, the vocational education programs at the junior colleges emerged in some states, e. g. California in around 1930. This trend was also sup-ported by the report of the Advisory Committee on Education (1938), and Education for All American Youth, a report issued by the Educational Policies Commission in 1944. But it was not until after World War II that federal vocational education legislation authorized the federal aid for postsecondary vocational education. Since the 1950s, it was found that the old philosophy of vocational education, based on the Smith-Hughes Act and subsequent federal legislation, was not adequate to prepare youngsters and adults for the technical changes, such as the development of computer technology. One of the most important develoment in the 1950s was the passage of the National Defense Education Act of 1958, which was enacted as a result of "sputnik" shock. Title VIII of this act, which was known as the Area Vocational Programs, aimed to subsidize the states to train persons for highly skilled technical occupations. The funds provided by this program were available to postsecondary as well as secondary programs. But the scope of this program was confined to only areas that were recognized as vital to the national defense, e. g. electronics and computer technology. In 1962, The Panel of Consultants on Vocational Education urged the federal government to increase its support of post-high-school vocational and technical education programs including a variety of areas, such as trade and industry, bussiness and agriculture. The Vocational Education Act of 1963, the passage of which was based upon the recommendations of that Panel, authorized the states to spend their allocations for vocational education of postsecodanry grade. It was the first time in the history of federal vocational education legislation that the provision for federal aid to postsecondary vocational education programs appeared. The recent development of postsecondary vocational education programs, i. e. those at community colleges, technical institutes, and area vocational centers, owes much to federal aid of such programs since the passage of the Vocational Education Act of 1963.
- 日本産業教育学会の論文
- 1998-07-31
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- アメリカ合衆国における職業教育連邦補助法と中等後段階の職業教育 : 国家防衛教育法と1963年職業教育法を中心に
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