G-8 小規模建築のエネルギー消費および温熱環境に関する実測研究(その3) : 事務室の空調性能および室性能評価
- 論文の詳細を見る
Very little data of the energy usage condition of small buildings was made public. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate energy-saving standards and the validity of the energy usage condition. Then, we surveyed the energy usage condition of buildings less than 2000m2 in total floor area. Next, we evaluated and compared the performance of HVAC system and building skin in these buildings, and considered the priority of improvement for energy-saving performance.
- 社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会の論文
- 2009-08-18
- 空調調和・衛生工学会における取組み
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