Gmail を用いた緊急連絡および安否確認ー緊急連絡訓練とアンケート調査ー
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We adopted the Web page, Gmail (Google Apps for Education) and Twitter as emergency contact methods to ourstudents and began to operate from 2012. We explain the emergency announcement and the safety inquiry by using theseand report on the questionnaire survey results of the practice. We began the e-mail service that used Gmail for thestudents in April, 2010. As a result, it became easy for the students to use e-mail. The safety confirmations are follows.(1) The message is posted in the Web page and Twitter. In addition, it is e-mailed to the students by using Gmail. (2) Thestudent who confirmed it e-mails his/her information according to the instructions in the message. (3) The e-mailscollected in Gmail are totaled by using the retrieval function. (4) It calls the student who did not send mail. The practicewas executed in 2012, and the questionnaire survey was practiced for the all students after it. As a result, the informationof 75.5% students was able to be confirmed.
千田 栄幸
明石 尚之
管 隆寿
佐藤 陽悦
千田 栄幸
明石 尚之
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- Gmail を用いた緊急連絡および安否確認ー緊急連絡訓練とアンケート調査ー
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