教育課程改革の課題と方向(II <特集2>日本における学校教育制度改革)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to consider the importance of curriculum reform now in the context of the whole educational reform in Japan, and to clear the way for the solution of problems. At first, I emphasize that we should recollect our own resolution to support the first course of study in 1947 and must actively emphasize its characteristic as "a tentative program" of the course of study by the ministry of education Monbusho. This means that the course of study should be a guide book to the practice by the teachers and the schools. In the article too, I point critically to several problems as to "The program of consistent education from elementary school to junior high school" by Shinagawa-kuin Tokyo. Secondly, I consider the tasks of curriculum reform in relation to the reform of the school educational system. There are conflicts between the form of the school system and the educational contents increasing in spite of the necessary of reduction and careful selection. I made sure of the basic principles to solving them, and emphasized that the focus point is still the reform of secondary education in both the system and the curriculum. Lastly, I pick out several urgent points of curriculum reform; for instance, the necessity and strategy of the restoration of the theoretical and political confusion in the territory of extra-curricular activities.
- 日本教育政策学会の論文
- 2007-06-30
- 日本教育方法学会編, 『教育方法34 現代の教育課程改革と授業論の探究』, A5判, 145頁, 図書文化, 2005年, 本体1,900円
- 教育課程改革の課題と方向(II 日本における学校教育制度改革)