S152013 低速風洞内における羽ばたき飛翔体のその場観測システムに関する研究([S15201]生物規範型ロボット(1))
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Recently, the research of MAVs (Micro Air Vehicles) is advanced because of the miniaturization of the motor and the battery. The flapping MAVs have several features, such as the endurance to the gust and the ability of hovering flight. It is important to observe the aerodynamic characteristics of the flight of MAVs without a supporting rod in case of flapping MAVs. In the development of the flight experimental system in a wind tunnel, we have succeeded in the stable flight of a fixed-wing MAV as an initial stage. We developed the flight system with feedback control using image processing system which consists of two CCD cameras and image processing device to measure the position and the yaw angle of the MAY. In addition, we manufactured a Flapping MAV of two wings by bio-mimicry. Wing span is 180mm and weight is 4.2 g. The flapping MAV is able to do rising flight and turning flight. The flapping MAV is going to be used for flight experiments.
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