「手書き」と「ワープロ入力」の比較方法と指標の検討 : 小学生を対象とした「手書き」と「ワープロ入力」の漢字使用の傾向
- 論文の詳細を見る
This study discusses an experimental research, which was conducted as a fundamental study of information education at the primary school level, to compare results between handwriting and wordprocessing of Japanese Kanji usage. The pre-test was given a class of 5th graders in the 3rd term of a B public primary school in Naruto city. The experiment was carried out to a class of 6th graders in the 1st term of H public primary school in Okayama city. Both classes have been equipped with Japanese wordprocessors and the students have been using them in their learning activities. In the experiment, the students were first asked to handwrite with proper Kanji two sets of 30 Japanese Hiragana sentences, then after a certain duration, they were also asked to input with proper Kanji the same material using wordprocessors. The results of the experiment were as follows: (1) The H school students were able to finish Kanji faster by wordprocessing than by handwriting. The students also could finish faster by wordprocessing than by handwriting. There was no significant difference between them in female students, but there was in male students. (2) To analize the use of Kanji, the author has counted the number of used Kanji in (a) hand written and (b) wordprocessed input, and compared each tendency of usage. It is notable that the use of Kanji is more frequent in wordprocessed input than in handwritten input one for all Kanji at any curriculum level from the 1st to the 6th grade. (3) The difference of Kanji used in handwriting and wordprocessing becomes larger when it comes to the coverage of Kanji at the higher grade levels. This tendency was common both in H primary school and also in B primary shool. (4) As a conclusion, it becomes clear that there is a fundamental difference between the skill of Kanji handwriting and Kanji usage skill by wordprocessing. Because this, it is imperative for us teaching methods which allow both skills to be used in better combination.
- 日本教育メディア学会の論文
- 1991-03-31
- A133 小学生の日本語入力による使用漢字の分析方法の検討
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- 「手書き」と「ワープロ入力」の比較方法と指標の検討 : 小学生を対象とした「手書き」と「ワープロ入力」の漢字使用の傾向