教職教育用CAIプログラムの作成と試行 : 教育基本法条文のプログラム化を通して
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Problem There is a keen competition between teacher's employment, and mass production in university education. This is caused by the increasing number of students and much knowlege to be learned. So, a teacher cannot easily provide lecture to each student on relevant educational issues. One of the solutions on this is to use CAI system. However, there are few problems for pre-servie educational training on the educational theoretic matters at the university level. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to prepare CAI program and find out its effects on student-teacher education through programming based on the provisions of the Fundamentals of Education Act, Specifically, it has undergone the following procedures : (1) an investigation on the provisions of the educational laws where CAI program has greater significance (2) an examination of the effects of its practical use to find out whether it is useful to student's learning or not. Hypothesis At the end of the study, it is expected to find out if those students who have learned from educational matters with the use of CAI system heve shown greater achievements at the term-examination. Procedure Step I : The Provisions of the Education Act The Provisions embodied in the Fundamentals of Education Act was chosen as its frame of reference. This law is an essential one because its aims work in relation to the provisions as suggested in the Constitution of Japan. To name a few, these are the School Education Act and Social Education Act. Fundamentals of Education Act includes principle of integration with three domains namely, (a) general education, (b) special education and (c) the education of the teacher profession. Step II : The Preparation of the CAI Frame The CAI frames were made by five (5) professors acting as consultants together with six (6) other graduate students. The making of these CAI frames started in December, 1980 and was finished by May, 1981. A. Tha Initial Try-Out CAI frames were programmed in the OKITAC-4500 CAI system. This program consisted of (1) recitation of the provisions of the Fundamentals of Education Act and (2) a questionnaire which students accomplish after working on each frame. A student may answer each frame for three times. If the student had consecutively committed mistakes after three trials, the correct answer would be flushed on the screen. He therfore proceed to the next frame. B. The Final Try-Out The pre and post tests of the CAI programmed materials were tried out in the Department of Education in Feburary, June and July, 1982 (See Fig. 1). Questionnaries were distributed to 48 students. Nine of them participated in the pre- and post tests of CAI program. Six of these students ran a following survey on the grade of their term examination in educational subject (See Fig.2). [figure] Result The results may be summarized as follows : (1) there was a significant effect on the student's achievement (2) Based on the result gained from the questionnaries, 66.7% students had expressed the desire to make similar CAI programs in the future in different situations. [figure] Fig. 2 : Result of Term Examination Conclusion It is thereby suggested by the group who has prepared the CAI program and the results gained from the try-out, that this said CAI program be utilized by student-teacher education schools if they wish to determine the significant progress of thier student-teachers. Similar CAI program may be constructed by future teaxhers in other basic subject fields. The process of its investigation may also be taken into consideration in the educationl settings during the lessons. (The responsibility for the wording above lies with Kiyoshi Ookawara.)
- 日本教育メディア学会の論文
- 1983-03-31