No.22 中国山西省における石炭火力発電脱硫の外部性評価
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In recent years, energy consumption increases with rapid economic development in China. Most of the energy consumption in China has now been supported by coal. In this study, we have evaluated SO_2 exposure from coal-fired power plants in urban region of China. Two coal-fired power plants are assumed as emission source points in Taiyuan City and Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province as a case study. The population distribution map ruled into 1km squares has been prepared using Geographic Information System (GIS). The distribution of SO_2 concentration was then calculated by means of a Gaussian Plume Model. Two cases on the coal plants with and without desulfurization are considered in order to evaluate the amount of SO_2 exposure on the surrounding residents. As the result, the maximum SO_x ex.posure with the desulfurization case is expected to decrease 71%, though that without desulfurization case is estimated to be 295.2mg/m^3.
- 2013-10-21
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