末梢動脈疾患に対する細胞治療における工夫 : 末梢単核球移植追加治療とエリスロポエチン併用治療について(再生医療とアフェレシス)
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The discovery of endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs)has enabled the regenerative therapy of blood vessels. EPCs obtained from bone marrow tissue are mobilized into ischemic loci and wounds to reconstitute vessels. Bone marrow implantation(BMI)has been utilized for the treatment of peripheral arterial diseases;however, the angiogenic power of BMI is not sufficient for some patients with severe ischemia. For such patients, we have attempted additive therapies such as peripheral blood cell implantation(PBCI)or the simultaneous administration of eryth- ropoietin(EPO). Additive PBCI was effect for a while, however the long-term effect was not satisfactory. Our series of in vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that the angiogenic effects of BMI arose from angiogenic growth factors secreted by erythroid cells included in the implanted bone marrow, and the presence of EPO enhanced angiogenesis through a surviving effect on erythroid cells. We then attempted the simultaneous administration of EPO with BMI in a clinical study. We also developed two EPO-derivatives to minimize and maximize the hematopoietic and angiogenic effects of EPO, respectively.
- 2006-10-31
相澤 義房
新潟大学医学部 第一内科
加藤 公則
鳥羽 健
鳥羽 健
新潟大学 大学院保健学研究科血液腫瘍検査学
鳥羽 健
加藤 公則
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