- 論文の詳細を見る
The Satsunai-Gawa Valley of Mts. Hidaka, one of the avalanche hazard areas in Hokkaido, was investigated on May and October of 1969. The following became clear after these twice observation. 1. As shown in Fig. 1, snow debris were widely distributed and most of them were those of channelled avalanche. The large one (airborne-powder type) cut off many tree trunks and eroded the gorge wall and it was rough estimated as more than 150,000 tons (Fig.2.). 2. The two damaged forests along the bottom of the valley were surveyed from the view point of tree-indicator of avalanches, like the plant-indicator of land-slide slopes. The two directions of trunk-breakage were apparently shown in (the site II) Fig. 6. and Photo. 2. and the twice breakage form of a trunk could be found there (Photo. 3.). This indicator seems to be the strongest proof of such a double action in the same season as in Fig. 8. 3. Willow plants of the steps-type (Fig. 4.) were found at the site I (Fig. 3.). The analyses of annual rings of the breaking parts of these vertically elongated branches (Fig. 5.) made it possible to estimate the past avalanched seasons : both '65/'66 and '68/'69 winter seasons. These two also agree very well with the seasons of the maximum snow depths and the second of the latest 10 years at the nearest meteorological station. 4. The tree forms of the avalanche hazard valley were similar to those of the heavy snow area as shown in Fig. 8. Natural functions as avalanche recorder in woody plant were partlyproved by our research.In order to get more accurate information of the avalanche, further field study is requiring.
- 北方森林学会の論文
- 1970-02-28
- 北海道・ニセコスキー場のなだれ
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- 雪圧に対応する樹木の生活形
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- 宗谷地方礼文島のなだれ
- 日本雪氷学会北海道支部「なだれ」に関する談話会と「天気図」講習会
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- 小規模崖錐にみられる層構造(会員研究発表講演)
- 28 空中写真判読による崩壊地の推移に関する研究 : 問寒別川支流清川流域における事例(会員研究発表講演)
- 27. 斜面積雪の流動観測(会員研究発表講演)
- 2 積雪流動コントロールの基本的視点(会員研究発表講演)
- 39.天の川・アッシナイ流域にかける土石生産源に関する研究(1966 '67)(会員研究発表講演)
- 斜面にみられる崖錐堆積物とその移動(会員研究発表講演)
- 20.積雪傾斜地の樹木特徴に関する研究(3) : トドマツ天然生稚樹の根元形態(会員研究発表講演)
- 43.札内川の林地破壊にみるなだれ指標(会員研究発表講演)
- 44.積雪傾斜地の樹木特徴に関する研究(2) : 根元曲りと支持根について(会員研究発表講演)
- 31.積雪傾斜地の樹木特徴に関する研究(I) : 枝抜け・枝折れの予備実験(会員研究発表講演)
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- クヮウンナイ沢における流路変動と河畔林の構造(II) : 河畔林の生成と消滅(会員研究発表講演)
- 25 人工斜面における積雪歪 : 釜淵・十日町のデータ解析(会員研究発表講演)
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