22 中心圧縮力を受けるコンクリート充填円形鋼管短柱における鋼管の応力状態 : ひずみ測定値を用いた鋼管の応力算定手法に関する検討
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Many studies have been reported on confinement effect of concrete filled circular steel tubular stub columns under concentric compressive load. In some of them, the stresses in steel tube were directly calculated by using experimental strain data. It was very difficult, however, to estimate the accuracy of calculated stress states obtained in those investigations, because the analytical assumptions used in those calculating method were not fully examined. In this paper we calculate stress states in steel tube with our experimental results of hollow steel tube and CFT, and investigate the influence of calculating method and material constants on calculated results. And also we investigate adequacy of calculated results by comparing them with analytical results of elasto-plastic analysis based on theory of plasticity in concrete and steel.
- 一般社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1998-03-20
蜷川 利彦
崎野 健治
石川 忠志
石川 忠志
崎野 健治
蜷川 利彦
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